Food Donation Drive, Emergency Preparedness, Performances…..
Food Donation Drive
We are pleased to host yet another food donation drive in association with Utah Food Bank.
We are encouraging you to please bring all the food that you can donate to Utah Food Bank.
Most Needed Food Items
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Tuna
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Fruits
- Boxed Meals
- Pasta
A quick list of accepted food and guidelines:
A complete list: https://www.
How does hunger look like in Utah:
“Emergency Preparedness” presentation from The Earthquake Lady – Maralin Hoff
Department of Public Safety, under “Be Ready Utah Program”, would be having an emergency preparedness presentation by The Earthquake Lady – Maralin Hoff. We are excited to welcome her. Please join us for this “Be Ready” session.
Introduction from Sewa International, Utah Chapter
Sewa International is a humanitarian, nonprofit service organization registered under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3). Founded in 2003, Sewa International is part of a larger movement that started in India in 1989 and is active in twenty countries. The Utah Chapter would like to introduce themselves. More details on

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