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Gudhi Padwa, Shiv-Jayanti Performance Guidelines

Gudi Padwa2018 Teaser

Gudi Padwa2018 Teaser

Guidelines for Performance

General guidelines

  1. The total length of performance should be around 5 minutes.
  2. It is crucial that all lyrics are appropriate, and the songs chosen cannot be interpreted in negative ways.
  3. For stand-ups and skits: Topics relevant to the audience are most welcome. Controversial topics or topics related to political issues are not permitted.

Costume Guidelines

  1. We require appropriate clothing for stage performances.
  2. Indecent or obscene clothing will not be allowed.
  3. The committee will make final decision regarding appropriateness of costume.
  4. Each team need to show/email a picture of group with costume in advance (before 1st March 2018) to the committee.

Music Submission

Please send us the following :

  1. Kindly email, the MP3 tracks you intend to use by 20th February 2018.
    1. Please bring a USB backup with you to the venue
    2. Make sure you send us the best quality of the music file
  2. In the interest of making this event suitable for family to enjoy, we do need, lyrics of the song either as an URL or in a textual format.
  3. Please submit Title of the performance, short description (e.g., Folk dance, Medley, etc.).
  4. Full names of all participants.

No Rehearsal

UMM will not be able to facilitate any prior rehearsals at the venue. Please plan and practice accordingly.

On the Day of Performance

  1. Please be aware of traffic congestion around the venue on weekends. You are required to arrive at least 30 mins before the scheduled time.
  2. Each group/individual performer should check-in with backstage volunteer & stage co-ordinator 30 mins before the performance.
  3. All performers should be near backstage and ready to perform before 10 mins of the performance.


If you have any questions, please contact:

  1. Email:


Your first and foremost objective is to have fun. Let the committee know if we can help you in any way. Display Spirit and enthusiasm during your presentation and most importantly SMILE!!

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